
His father is one of the biggest celebrities in the world, but he has to work a ‘normal’ job to support himself

Arnold Schwarzenegger, known for his tough-guy persona on and off screen, believes in the value of hard work and wants his children to learn it too. His son, Joseph Baena, was born out of an affair with his housekeeper, and despite the circumstances, Schwarzenegger has supported him financially. However, he made it clear that once Baena finished college, he would have to support himself.

While Schwarzenegger is wealthy, with a successful Hollywood career and ownership of a lucrative gym, he wanted his son to forge his own path. Baena shared his father’s values, stating that he believes in the importance of hard work and doesn’t want handouts. He wanted to make a career in acting and bodybuilding but struggled to find roles that would sustain him financially.

Facing the reality of needing a stable income, Baena decided to train as a real estate agent, leveraging his background in Business Administration. He interned at a real estate company and eventually sold his first house, marking a significant milestone in his new career. Baena expressed excitement about his professional growth and shared his contact information for potential clients.

In pursuing a different career path, Baena has realized his identity and the importance of finding joy in what he does. He acknowledged that while he appreciates his relationship with his father, he is happier pursuing his own dreams and aspirations. Baena recognizes the struggle that many faces in trying to make their parents proud or escape their shadow, but he feels fortunate to have a supportive father.

As Baena continues on his professional journey in real estate, he wishes to prove himself and find fulfillment in his chosen field. He appreciates the values instilled by his father and hopes to make his own mark in the world.

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