The parents were out of town. In the middle of the night, Grandma broke the window, took her grandson, and put him in the trunk of the car. The police came immediately. What happened that night stunned an entire country.
Eight million children around the world are reported to disappear every year.
Imagine the feelings of those parents who take their children from their hands. This is the most terrible thing a parent can go through.
Unfortunately, the figures for public understanding of parental child abduction are alarmingly low.
A story that comes from South Africa and involves attempted abduction made one grandmother a hero. Her bravery and quick thinking helped save her grandson from ending up in the hands of the wrong people.
Grandma Zelinda was asked to watch over her 3-year-old grandson Lucas while his parents were away from home.

She started her story by saying that she put the little one to sleep.
“I overheard some noises coming from the front door in the middle of the night. The power went off across the entire home when I tried to turn on the light in my room. I knew right away that something wasn’t right. I walked straight to Lucas’ room and gently cuddled him without waking him up and I immediately heard footsteps coming from the ground floor of the home, indicating that someone was inside.
“It was absolutely dark inside the house, and I was going on the roof with Lucas in my arms, my heart racing fast, and I began to quiver with panic. I made a little drop off the stairs in an effort to locate the home intruders then I walked to the kitchen and opened the entrance to the garage because I heard footsteps in the house’s living room. I was unable to go since the garage door was locked and I didn’t have the key,” the grandmother explained.
“Without waking Lucas, I popped the trunk of the car and put Lucas there gently. I wanted to shout but refrained because I felt like I was choking on terror. When I returned to the kitchen, a powerful hand grabbed me and whispered, ‘Don’t move, don’t make noise, where is the child?’ in a deep voice.
“There were two men with masks. They asked me ‘WHERE IS THE CHILD?’ once more. When I informed them that he wasn’t at home, one of them became angry, grabbed me by the back of my head, slammed me on the floor of the living room, and yelled, ‘Don’t MOVE.’, the men started looking through the house.
“I could have gone out the door and fled, but I knew Lucas was there, so I stayed still on the floor as they instructed me. I grabbed a chair and tossed it in the living room’s huge window as soon as the men entered the kitchen. The sound was really loud, and the glass broke. The men fled in terror, oblivious of what was taking place.”

“I sprinted over to Lucas, who was still asleep, embraced him, and gave him a kiss. I broke down in uncontrollable tears. After hearing the noise, neighbors arrived. They called the cops. Thank goodness nothing happened and nobody was injured. I used to see reports about kidnappings of children, but I never imagined it would happen to me.”
“The grandmother received praise from the police and her neighbors for her composure and tenacity. And Lucas asked his grandmother, “Grandma, what happened to the window?” nor did he notice the shattered window in the living room.”
After everything was over, Lucas woke up, looked out the window, and asked his grandmother what happened to him. She replied, “I broke it.”
“Will Mom and Dad be unhappy because you shattered the window?” Lucas asked.
With a smile of relief on her face, the grandmother replied, “I’m sure they’ll understand.”
Needless to say, the grandmother was dubbed a hero.