Khaliyah and Aaliyah White Philadelphia twin sisters, graduated from GAMP High School graduated with the highest scores from their school. Khaliyah graduated valedictorian and Aaliyah graduated salutatorian, despite the challenges they endured.

A year after losing their beloved mother to both girls, the girls received the maximum points of the group. They dedicated all these achievements to their mother so that she would feel proud of her daughters.
Aside from their studies, the two sisters were also involved in track and field as well as theater productions.

“We’re going through this and we will be more grounded and more ready for anything that comes from now on,” one of them said. Khaliyah will go to the University of Delaware while Aaliyah will go to the University of Pennsylvania.
“Even though things aren’t the same as they were before, we’re still doing everything.” We’re getting through it, and we’ll be stronger and more prepared for whatever comes next. ”

Both are premed students, however, Khaliyah will attend Delaware State University and Aaliyah will go to the University of Pennsylvania. It will be the first time they are separated for an extended period of time, and they are both looking forward to what lies ahead.

We wish the girls only success and continue to always remember their mother.