This is an inspiring story of a little boy who was born with Hydrocephalus. Parker was born in 2008 with an abnormal health condition. This condition called Hydrocephalus is related to the baby’s brain which, unlike normal babies, only makes up 5% of the baby’s skull.

This causes the collection of fluids in the brain, which can endanger the life of the child. For this reason, the doctors informed the family that their baby’s health could be restored. Before Parker was born, doctors realized through ultrasound that he had a larger-than-normal head. After many tests, doctors discovered that there was a blockage between the third and fourth ventricles of Parker’s brain. This would damage Parker’s brain.
This was a case that the doctors had dealt with before and informed the boy’s parents, Cryse and Ryan, to be ready for anything.

They were worried by this news because they couldn’t wait to hold their baby. Cryse has shown that during her pregnancy she tried to be calm and not worry about her baby’s health. She said that she had left this matter to God and had faith that he would give her a solution and save their baby.
Unfortunately, Parker was over 98% fluid after birth. The doctors were not sure if he would survive and the situation became very chaotic. Cryse and Ryan stayed by their baby’s side when he had to stay in the hospital. “We prayed to him and told him every day how much we loved him. A parent’s love is indescribable, especially in situations like this,” said Ryan.

After two days, the doctors announced that the excess fluid was leaving Parker’s skull and this would allow the brain to grow normally. This was the most beautiful moment for the baby’s parents. Parker is 13 years old today and is a beautiful and healthy boy.
Unfortunately, on September 9, 2021, Parker has to undergo surgery. Doctors had to expand the skull so that the brain would grow normally. The doctors were very attached to Parker and he had an important place in their hearts. After the operations were completed successfully, he returned home and began physical therapy. This is an inspiring story for all parents who find themselves in the same situation.

Parker’s parents thank God for doing miracles with Parker’s health. They also thank the doctors who took care of them and stood by Parker when he needed it most.