
He built a house with very few meters but look how it looks inside

All his friends laughed when they saw him living in an 8-square-meter house. But when they saw what it looked like inside, they felt ashamed. See amazing footage of the house that costs as much as a phone.

13-year-old Luke Thiul is not a teenager like everyone else. His biggest passion is building houses.

This very special child has created a small paradise with his own hands in the garden of his parent’s house. The whole house cost him $1500.

It is actually surprising that a child of such a generation has in mind to create something since most of his peers only care about phones.

He explains everything in a YouTube video. It took you a year to raise money, he mowed lawns, did fundraisers online and did jobs for anyone he could, and generally did anything he could to raise money.

Luke was friends with someone who knew electrics and he helped him install all the electrics in exchange for Luke clearing out all his garage for him, trade for trade so to speak.

During his project Luke used about 75% recycled materials, a lot of things left over from his grandmother’s house, the front door was a gift from his uncle’s friend!

The little house is about 89 square feet and a whole 10 feet in length at around 5 ½ feet wide, it has electricity but no plumbing, so no toilet sink or shower yet!

Luke said:

“I liked the minimalism”

“And I wanted to have a house without a huge mortgage.”

Luke has made many short videos to post on youtube, he tells us about his project, there are many people curious about it and his motivation to do it.

Luke received quite a lot of help from his parents both with the building and with the finances, but dad Greg ensured that it was Luke who would pay for most everything himself.

Greg said:

“It was a chance for a kid to do something more than play video games or sports”

“It teaches life lessons.”

The house is a complete dream house for a teenager, a little sanctuary for him to relax and have his own space, it has a microwave, TV, and a loft with a bed, there is even a BBQ out back!

Luke diligently does his homework after school time in his little house then in the nighttime, at least some of the time, he gets to sleep there too!

He has many other dreams to build bigger houses when he goes to college, but he also wants to inspire others.

YouTube video

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