
Little Boy Hugs Pizza Delivery Man Without Knowing That He Had Just Lost His Daughter

The mother of the 2-year-old boy called the hug a sign from God.

Sometimes the smallest gestures are the ones that make the biggest difference. These gestures make many people happy, no matter how small they are.

Ryan Catterson did not know that a two-year-old boy would touch his heart so much when he was scattering pizzas.

At Lindsey Sheely’s Rhode Island home came the pizza they ordered. When mom opened the door the little boy approached him and for no reason hugged him.

Catterson returned the hug. The mother approached to pick up the boy to take him home. Even though Catterson was leaving with his vehicle the boy was sending kisses from distance. The video that the mother made of the two was shared on the internet, but the meeting was more than that.

Mother writes on Facebook video “Last night when we got our pizza (and ranch) delivered, Cohen ran out to hug the delivery guy and tried to kiss him, too!

She also thanked Ryan for being so kind to her son. But she had never thought that this hug always made so much sense.

Ryan saw the video and wrote to the boy’s mother. In the message asking for permission to repost it to his account, he told her something else.

He told her that he had recently lost his daughter and that the hug Cohen gave seemed like a gift from God. God had sent him to that house to give a sign through that hug.

His 16-year-old daughter had been dead for two weeks. “After losing my daughter this past week, she touched me because I felt like she was there.” “It meant a lot to me.”

The video also had a positive impact on the comments. Here is what some of them healed

“Love this video, kids see so much more than adults” This touched me… There are still good and loving people in this world. May God bless you and your family forever. ”

“This touched my heart immensely. I lost a baby boy in 1993. My daughter passed away in March 2015 and I lost a stepson in December 2015. My heart goes out to Ryan and his wife. ”

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