Today many people are using social media and online applications to get to know each other and meet different people, with whom they can fall in love. This is happening more often in recent years because many relationships have turned out to be successful and have ended in happy marriages.

However, not always the people who choose to find their love in this way are so lucky. But face-to-face acquaintances continue and many people are happy with this. A large part of society wants to know their love, spend time with him, and get to know him closely.
Maureen McCormick met her husband at a concert. She says that from the first moment she saw him, she understood that he would be her husband.

Actress Maureen McCormick took part in the famous role of Marcia in The Brady Bunch.
Her career was successful, but in a certain period of her life, she did not feel very well and the reason for this was drug addiction. She says that she has fought a lot with drugs and cocaine and this has affected her life. When she saw her husband for the first time, she fall in love with his features.

Then they went together to the first meeting.
Cummings said McCormick was honest with him from the first day they met. She tried to be an open book and not to keep anything hidden from her husband. Their romance started very quickly and Cummings stayed by her side even in the most difficult moments when she had to fight with drug addiction.

Without a stable relationship, the couple was blessed with two children, and today they have been together for about 37 years. The actress says that they believed in each other’s love, and stood by each other in the most difficult moments.