Next to the bride and groom and the maids of honor was a little boy who played a very important role.
In many cases, the groom’s companion is his best friend and not a relative, such as a cousin or brother. In this case, the companion is the groom’s 7-year-old son.

This wedding’s best man is a child! One would normally think that it would only lead to disaster – how could a kid fulfill this role well, and most importantly, what would he say?
Apparently, he would say a lot of things. Self-confidence is rare for a child at that age. Vincent went up to the stage to give a speech with a paper in his hand.
First he introduced himself in front of others. If you don’t know me already, my name is Vincent del Bono, and I am my dad’s best man.”

With a naughty grin on his face, he quickly followed with, “I’m also a ladies’ man.”
At that moment the crowd started laughing. No matter if my dad is a real superhero or not, he is my hero. Even though he can’t fly, he has even greater powers.” When I’m sick, he takes care of me. Every night before bed, he reads me a story. He taught me how to ski, how to throw a baseball, and how to have good manners. Every single game of mine he’s at, he makes me laugh. Most importantly, he loves me. Those things make him a superhero in my book.”

Lauren fits right in with us in every way. She is silly with us, she takes care of us, she can hang with the boys, and there is no other girl that I would want as a part of our three silly butts.”
“Daddy, I am glad to call you my best friend and even happier that you asked me to be your best man. But most of all, I love that we are all part of the del Bono family. My heart is full of love for you guys.”

What a beautiful speech from such an intelligent child. These three words show how well he was raised by his father.