The process of pregnancy is one of the most beautiful that God has created and that forgives so much love. The East also has its difficulties and beauties especially when it comes to twins and triplets.

Michella Meier-Morsi and her husband Mark welcomed twin girls in 2018 after a year of IVF treatments. They were born at 37 weeks with C-Section and stayed in intensive care for six days before going home.
Being pregnant with twins is more complex than pregnancy with one.
”When we got the news that we were expecting twins, I was extremely happy, and at the same time, paralyzed by fear. I was simply so scared of losing them. I read statistics, horrible posts on twin groups about respirators and losses, and I refused to buy anything for the girls, ”she wrote on Instagram in 2020.
Pregnancy was not easy because she had a very large belly that was filled with stretch marks due to the weight of the children.
”My pregnancy was awful and my body is carrying around permanent evidence of it. Filippa and Ophelia, on the other hand, have been absolutely fantastic, and we have made the finest family rhythm with them, ”the mom wrote.
After giving birth she made an intervention because her abdomen was split in two. Many mothers do not dare to be as open as she is when it comes to pregnancy.

In 2021 she became pregnant again. He was very surprised when the doctors told him that it was not just 1 but there were 3 babies.
When the midwife moves the scanner, we see a third black box. It’s like everything stops. We hear a third heartbeat. It’s getting completely quiet in that room, and I’m starting to cry. I can’t stop shaking and crying ”she told the Danish magazine Expressen.

Shortly before she was born Michella said she did not feel ready for three children.
”I naively thought that I would get ready at some point – that I would feel a joy that the pregnancy is coming to an end and that we should finally meet our trio. But if it were not for the extreme pain, the triplets would have to stay in the stomach for a month or three more. It all just feels so overwhelming. ”
When Charles, Theodore, and Gabriel were welcomed into the world in January 2022, the mom couldn’t be happier. She does only get four hours to sleep each day, and she is aware that things would get even harder with five children under one roof.

In Denmark, where she also lives, not much importance is given to women after childbirth and this should change. She is working with a psychotherapist on this and hopes that things will improve in the future.

Her sincerity touched many people for what parenting brings.