An Australian mother has revealed she was branded a ‘monster’ by followers after choosing to have her baby’s birthmark lasered off.
The woman claims she did it to help her child.

Brooke Atkins, 33, from the Gold Coast, welcomed her second child, a boy named Kingsley, six months ago.
But soon after he was born, Brooke and her partner Kewene Wallace, 27, noticed a large ‘port wine’ mark covering half his face.
Kingsley was diagnosed with both.
“The thing about port wine stains is that they are progressive, meaning they will change and darken over time,” said Brooke, who is also mum to Amarni, two.
Port-wine stains are usually harmless, but on the face, especially over the eyes, they can be associated with glaucoma and Sturge-Weber syndrome.

This can cause other complications and disabilities while glaucoma can cause blindness.
“They can develop lumps, ridges, and the risk of vascular blisters, where they bleed dangerously.
“Once a port wine stain reaches this stage, it is often very difficult to treat and the laser barely has any effect, as the skin is already so damaged.”