
What cancer can do to a heartbreaker!

What cancer can do to a heartbreaker!

Girls who were in love with this actor in the 1990s now can hardly recognize him!

This is how time has changed actor Val Kilmer whose most recent photos can be found in this article!

The prominent actor whose handsomeness and charisma no girl could remain indifferent to has changed beyond recognition. Kilmer’s drizzling career was brought to a whole new level due to his role in «Top Gun».

The girls who were madly in love with this man back then now don’t recognize him. He not only gained some weight but also deep wrinkles on his face which made him look considerably older. He shows almost all signs of aging.

Some claim that the former heartthrob is not the same anymore.

It is worth mentioning that back in 2010 he was diagnosed with cancer which, undoubtedly, has had its impact on his health and appearance. Now, he is already 61.

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