
Winner Of Worst Cooks In America Ariel Robinson Accused Of Killing Her 3-Year-Old Foster Child

Robinson, according to authorities, was found guilty of beating three-year-old Victoria “Tori” Rose Smith to death.

The 30-year-old committed the crime in collaboration with her husband Jerry Austin Robinson. She blamed the man during the trial that was held for Victoria’s murder.

During the sentence, the judge was not affected at all by the acquittals given by the accused. “I can say that in my 13, 14 years of being a judge I’ve never seen anything like this. Not even approaching it, ”she said, according to WYFF.

“And what compounds it is that I understand what your attorney is saying, perhaps you snapped at that moment, but then why let this child suffer and not get the medical attention that she desperately needed as she lay dying in her bedroom.”

Reports say Robinson beat the Victorian to death as a sign of punishment. During the trial, it was also shown how the couple reigned blows to the three-year-old’s legs and abdomen because she didn’t eat her pancakes fast enough.

The woman, according to the man, had beaten the girl with a belt because she had not heard her word. Meanwhile, the woman said that the man had beaten the girl when she had gone shopping the day before.

“Based upon all of that, the sentence of the court can not be anything but life in prison,” she ruled. Robinson is extremely remorseful for what happened to Tori, ”Jerry Robinson’s attorney, Lucas C. Marchant, said in a statement.

“He loved her very dearly and he knows that he failed her as her father. He has accepted responsibility for his actions, or rather inactions in this tragic situation. Following this horrific event, he has fully cooperated with law enforcement and the prosecution to bring closure to this case. ”

The girl’s biological family hugged each other the moment the decision was made. The grandmother of three-year-old Vickie Phares when she heard the decision said “Praise God. Justice was served for our baby. ”

We wish the little girl rest in peace and the killers to stay in jail as long as it is set

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