There are many people who do not believe in the afterlife, but when you hear stories like this, maybe you should believe.
Valerie Paters was badly hit by a truck in March 2020. Her car ended up under him where she lost weight and sustained multiple injuries. When help arrived at the scene they were sure that Valerie would not make it.

When they arrived at the hospital, they told her that the chances of survival were few and that there was no hope, and then they told her that she had no brain activity.
Everyone joined together to pray for him.
Valerie’s sister Cheryl never gave up hope. She prays to God with a special psalm, “I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done.” Little did she know that her prayer would work in a miraculous way.

While her relatives were waiting for her, Valerie went for an experience in heaven. With a twinkling light, she went there.
As soon as he opened his eyes, he said that Jesus was waiting for him in heaven and welcomed him. “I felt all this emotion that He had for me,” she recalled. “I felt like I was finally home… like I stepped into, finally, I belong.”
“He just wants me,” she said of Jesus. “It wasn’t anything that I did for Him. It wasn’t my performance. Nothing. It was just me, I wasn’t just loved by Him. But he was in love with me.”
She also said that he told her that she should return to earth. Here’s what else she said