I was surprised when the homeless man approached me. His clothes were shredded, and he was dirty and miserable.
I gave him $50 when he asked for $20. He said, “Thank you so much!” in answer. It provided me with fresh insight and caused me to reconsider my perspective on homelessness.
That day, we had a lengthy conversation that I truly appreciated. I told him to take care of himself, but he merely grinned and asked if I remembered him. I didn’t know at first, but it dawned on me later that he was the man standing at the bus stop.

“I’m Ross, and we went to high school together.”
“Ross?! What happened to you, buddy? Why are you on the streets? I remember you as a fighter, and you even protected me once when someone tried to attack me.”
He said that everything had happened to him. He did everything, including joining a gang, smoking, drinking, sleeping with women, leaving pregnant women, stealing, and beating people.
And as a result, his children are a mess. They don’t want to interact with him in any way. Even twice, he has considered suicide. He is now, however, begging for food and water. Unfortunately, that was the end of his story.
When you encounter a person on the street who is homeless and hungry, it is tragic. “I came across Ross pleading for food as I headed to my car. I wanted to assist him even though I had already eaten. He smiled and told me he was fine and had already found enough food for the day. It got me thinking about how, despite having similar circumstances, our lives may go in such diverse directions. I believe this is because the decisions our parents make for us affect our present.”
Despite being strict, my parents weren’t the worst in the world. I had to adhere to guidelines and schedules, and there were penalties if I still needed to finish duties by the due date.
Ross could play and do anything he wanted while running around the block. He didn’t get in trouble if he skipped class, but I did, whether I was just a few minutes late or not. He was also free to insult the elderly, smoke, and eat any food he pleased in the town.
I had to eat long chicken soup or vegetable soup and drink milk and water. Even bringing up the subject made me nervous! Am I using foul words or giving an incorrect response?
A slap across the mouth and a sarcastic expression! Thank you, mom and dad! Since I had the “worst” parents in the world for parents, it’s not him today; it’s me!”
Today, I am appreciative of my parents. I like how they were both firm and loving. They will always be in my heart.