
A little girl discovers something incredible

Elysia Laub is a 9-year-old girl who thinks she has to follow her instincts, she did the same when she discovered something incredible!

One morning she decided to go out in the yard for no reason, she says she “heard a voice in her head” telling her to go there immediately. The girl’s family lives in a rural area and has a very large yard. After a short walk, the girl was ready to return home, but she heard a cry and changed her mind.

The little girl followed the sound and managed to save a newborn who had been abandoned in the bushes in their backyard. Here is what she says: “I saw some pink legs moving, and I knew he was alive. That’s when I called for help. ”

It seems that at first, Elysia thought they were mechanical doll legs, but when she approached she saw that they were actually human legs. The baby was scared and hungry, so the girl ran away and brought her mother who, when she told him what she had found, did not believe her.

Her mother took the child, wrapped him in a blanket, and called the police, at the hospital it turned out that the little one had been abandoned for several hours, was suffering from sunburn, and was covered in beetles and his umbilical cord was still attached to him.

Elysia says that God helped her do this remarkable thing: “If I wasn’t there and God didn’t tell me to make me go there, we would have found a dead child in the yard in the afternoon.”

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