
After 19 Years Of Marriage, Husband Makes Shocking Discovery. His Wife Was A Man

A man from Belgium made a shocking discovery. He accidentally realized that his 19-year-old wife was born a boy.

He learned the truth from a woman’s cousin who told him everything. All this after 19 years of marriage. Jan tells how he met “Monica” in 1993 when she came to his hometown to care for her sister’s children.

When they first met they fell in love immediately with each other. She looked very feminine. Now he understands why she did not know how to iron. He even once asked her if she wanted children because she was 27 years old. She said no. Jan felt happy because he had 2 and was 44 years old.

Over the years she took one pill every night. When having sex, she always used lubricants, which are for transsexuals. They cooked together, she was a good mother to his children. Suddenly things changed. She started asking to go out at night and put on clothes and expose her body.

She bought very short t-shirts and had 100 pairs of shoes. He even caught her once looking at pictures of young boys online. When his cousin came to visit, he showed him this fact.

Monica and Jan confronted. She admitted the truth by telling him that she had undergone gender reassignment surgery.

The world was destroyed for Jan in seconds. Even now that they are in the process of divorce, they live in the same house because the court has not decided yet. Jan says his relationship with her ruined his life and what he did to his family is unforgivable. Just now he loves her as far away from his life.

What would you have done if you were in his place? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below on Facebook.

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