His mother was surprised by the boy’s action. In one photo appears a little boy in a Walmart store where he went viral for a special reason.

He and his mother set out for Walmart one day. When the mother was shopping the boy was walking away from her. Suddenly the mother realized that her son had disappeared from her sight and hurried to look for him. At that moment he realized that he was making some strange moves.
“I had to stop by Walmart. I glanced around to make sure my son wasn’t standing next to me, but he wasn’t. ”

Mother saw her kneeling in front of the chairs at the entrance of a store. At first, he did not understand what he was doing but then he saw him pray but he did not understand why.
She looked up and saw an inscription that read, “Every second counts.” “Instead of standing beside me, I noticed him kneeling in front of the missing children board, praying.”
Every year 800,000 children are lost, according to statistics from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
The person who posted the photo on Facebook wrote: “Either you believe in God or not, it makes no difference.” This Walmart kid was worried about others and was doing as much as he could to help. The world would be a better place if everyone followed his example. ” If you agree with him, please share this article and help us make the world a better place!