A rescue cat has become a charity fundraiser after his owner learned that he was snatching dollar bills from locals through a slot in the office door.

Sir Whines a Lot is an office cat at Tulsa, Oklahoma, marketing firm GuRuStu. Stuart McDaniel, who owns both the business and the cat, decided to use his cat’s spoils for a worthy cause.
McDaniel recalled how he found out about his cat’s antics: “I get a call from my dad saying, ‘Why is there money on the floor at the office? There’s at least $5 on the floor near the glass, where you can slip it through.’ My mom and sister [and I], we figured if people are doing it already, we might as well apply it for something good in the community.”

He stated that he has no idea who first slipped a dollar through the door, but it quickly became a movement. McDaniel and his firm started posting funny clips of locals offering money to “Cashnip Kitty,” Sir Whines a Lot’s alias on the company’s Facebook page.
The company also has a note on the door that reads: “Warning: Cashnip Kitty is a hustler with a philanthropic heart. He will snatch your money!” and highlights that the money collected is donated to Tulsa Day Center for the Homeless.

Sir Whines a Lot brings in $30 to $40 per weekend, and the company has sent two checks worth over $100 to the Tulsa Day Center.
Director of development at the center, Monica Martin, stated: “I’ve heard of a lot of unique ways people are raising money for us, but this is a first for me and I absolutely love it. The cat seems to be loving the attention and it has been benefiting and blessing us in the process.”

McDaniel stated that a third check, worth over $50, is being sent to the center.