He is the man that probably many women want to have by their side. Denzel Washington has always been coveted by other women. In 1996, he received the title “The S**iest Man Alive” from PEOPLE magazine.
He was also the first person of color to receive this title and was on a magazine cover. But Denzel is married. He has been with Pauletta Pearson Washington since 1983.

They met in 1975 and since then they started dating. Pauletta had refused several times and he did not know how this was happening because they were both very good friends. But in the end, Washington was victorious.
You know, what are you going to say? They discover something decent and um,” Pauletta Washington expands. But their bold attempts will not phase her. Do you understand why? “He’s arriving home,” she told Oprah. Confidently at that. Even Denzel Washington was left silent while she s**pped five in treaty with Winfrey. We like to watch it!