An elderly widow has not stopped putting flowers on his wife’s memorial bench, even though he was told that he can only do this twice a year.

Daffodils were planted by Peter Lake, 93, in honor of his late wife Sheila, who died in May.
Later, the people who cleaned the street removed them, saying that they were doing their duty.
Family and friends can only lay floral tributes on their loved ones’ benches twice a year, according to Tenterden Town Council in Kent.
Many people feel bad if they sit in a seat next to a memorial with flowers.
Mr. Lake says he will continue to do such a thing and break the law on Mothers Day even though road maintenance will remove him.
Mr. Lake added, “That will make people aware of what the council is doing and get people discussing.”
He says that the municipality should remove only the flowers that are damaged. Chris Patterson died at the age of 63 from a brain aneurysm.
Many people think that they own the memorial benches because they pay a lot of money for them, but this is not true.
“First and foremost, we fully recognize that laying flowers on memorial benches is a highly sensitive matter, which is why we reassessed our earlier decision,” a spokesperson for Tenterden Town Council stated.
‘We have agreed that flowers can be placed on benches twice a year, on the anniversary of a loved one’s birth and death, and we have been encouraged by the positive feedback we have received from local residents who support our policy.’