
He Fell From The Horse During A Polo Game, How Is Prince Harry’s Health Condition (Photo)

Prince Harry fell off his horse while on a polo field in California. This incident could have ended badly, but thankfully there were no serious injuries.

Foreign media reports say that the moment Harry fell, other players rushed to his aid to give him an ambulance.

It was not long before Prince Harry rose to his feet to resume playing at the Santa Barbara Polo and Racquet Club.

It is thought that this crash occurred as a result of the horse losing his balance as he had passed some difficult obstacles in the game.

This was not the best day for him, as in addition, his team Los Padres lost the game with a score of 12:11.

Harry shares a great love for the polo field along with his brother Prince William. This desire for this sport is inherited from his father Prince Charles, who played until the age of 40.

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