Steve Harvey is one of the richest celebrities but he has not always been like this.

In an interview, he tells how he got into trouble with the IRS to the tune of over $ 20 million.
Harvey says “My accountant died, and an accountant that worked for him called my lawyer and said,‘ we have a problem, She had found on the floor all my tax forms for 7 years, signed with the checks stapled to them “

Then he adds “They were cashing the checks, keeping the money, and not turning in the tax forms…. They did not cash it, they took the money out [of] the account that matched the exact number. ”
Harvey explains in detail. “My old tax accountant, who passed, had done some, let’s say, not so smart things. And since he’s not alive anymore, and I don’t slam people who are gone, so let’s just say some bad things were done and I looked up and I was in a lot of trouble to the tune of almost $ 25 million. ”
During that period he was married to Marjorie. At first, he thought he was losing everything. Starting from the money to the woman. But she turned out to be understandable.
Immediately after this event, he got to work. Worked very hard all the time. In 2012 he won a good contract. From that moment on, he had no problem with money.
Steve Harvey’s net worth is $ 200 million. He oversees a media empire that includes radio, television, clothing, books, and more. In a typical year, he earns $ 45 million from his various jobs, including $ 10 million for hosting Family Feud.