
Jake Paul Is Offering $ 30 Million For A Boxing Showdown Between Will Smith And Chris Rock

Youtuber turned boxer Jake Paul has offered $ 15 million to Will Smith and Chris Rock to appear in the ring and resolve their differences.

At the Oscar ceremony held Sunday night, comedian Rock exaggerated the joke toward Smith’s wife. The latter got up and slapped the Rock in the middle of the stage.

“I have $ 15 million for Will Smith and $ 15 million for Chris Rock,” wrote Paul Twitter, who runs Most Valuable Promotions.

“Let’s do it in August on my undercard. “Someone call Will Smith’s boxing representative,” he continued. “I have $ 15 million for Will Smith and $ 15 million for Chris Rock,” wrote Paul Twitter, who runs Most Valuable Promotions.

“Let’s do it in August on my undercard. “Someone call Will Smith’s boxing representative,” he continued.

Rock refused to file charges against Smith, who won the Best Actor award minutes after the incident. In his speech, he did not apologize to Rock.

Boxing matches with celebrities have been a trend in recent years, even contributing to the rise of players like Paul and his brother Logan, who initially became famous online before switching to boxing.

If such a confrontation were to occur, Smith is viewed as the comedian’s favorite. He played the legendary boxer, Mohammad Ali, in the biographical film “Ali” in 2001.

Would you be curious to watch such a match? Share your comments on Facebook with us.

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