
La La Anthony Shows Son’s Birthday Request: ‘You’ve Lost Your Mind’

La La Antony shared a video of her son Kiyan Anthony making a special request for his 16th birthday.

In the video posted on Instagram, he asks his mother if he can get a tattoo. Kiyan says, “Do y’all think I should be able to get a tattoo for my 16th birthday?”

The model decided to tell her son that at the moment he had just turned 15 years old. When Kiyan asked fans for an opinion and leave a comment below the video. La La immediately asked him to tell a 16-year-old who has a tattoo.

She addressed your son with the words “Now, you’ve lost your mind. What 16-year-old has a damn tattoo? Name one? ” When Kiyan responded that his basketball teammate had one, La La quipped, “No. Not at 16, that’s crazy. ” She added as her son kept trying to persuade her, “No, you’re not. No, you’re not. Tattoo when you turn 21. Honestly; maybe 18. Maybe 18. ”

Meanwhile, the mother decided to share her experience with her followers. At the age of her son, she had her first tattoo and she was very sorry “Okkkkk so I did get my first tattoo at 15/16 years old but that first one I regret so bad !!”

It now seems strange to him that life brought him back to the same situation once again. “Okkkkk so I did get my first tattoo at 15/16 years old but that first one I regret so bad !!”

Many parents commented that they agree with him. They applauded for not backing down.

And what do you think about her decision? Would you let your kid have a tattoo at age of 16? Share with us your opinion in the comments down below on Facebook.

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