Bronny James has been criticized since he started dating a white girl Peyton Gelfuso and took her to prom. The 17-year-old shared photos of himself and his girlfriend on Instagram and his mother Savannah shared other photos when he was getting ready.

“Sooooo @bronny went to prom this past weekend… .. Tons of emotions and realizations. Time really flies. [crying face emoji] So proud of you young man !! I will always have your front and your back !! [pink hearts emoji] Zhuri is processing all of this too !! [x2 laughing face emojis] (Last slide), ”Savannah captioned the images on her Instagram.
Some fans offended Bronny because he goes out on a date with a white girl. While there are people who offend him there are others who protect him. One person commented:

“Grown ass men and women being pressed about who Bronny James, a 17-year-old, goes to his high school prom with is by far the strangest behavior that I’ve seen from people on here.”
Another said, “People mad at Bronny James for going to prom with a white girl…. Um you are a fu * ’king rac’ist for having a problem with it. Majority of people these days don’t see race, they just see people. If you got a problem with anything related to that stuff, you’re the problem. ” A third wrote, “people mad at bronny james for going to prom with a young white woman just shows you how many people are still raci’st til this day.”

A fourth commented, “People are weird. Y’all want raci’sm / preju’dice to end… but hat’ing on Bronny James because he took a white girl to prom [x2 rolling eyes emoji] Let that young man live. ” A fifth added, “I have always said black folks are the most rac’ist people out there! Those comments under Bronny James ’prom pic with his date are disgusting.” A sixth laughed, “Grown adults mad that Bronny James took a white girl to prom lol.”
What do you think should he be judged for his choices in love? What do you think about these racist comments? Share with us your comments on Facebook.