
Post Of A Mother On Social Media After She Saw Her Daughter In This Condition

On Saturday the girl asked me to sleep at her friend’s house and go to the movies. I accepted because he had always told me the truth about where he was going. But things changed one night when the family experienced something terrible.

I got a message on Facebook where I was told that my daughter Ryleigh Payton was somewhere passed out.

I immediately called the girl but she did not answer my calls. I found the girl in an unconscious car covered in vomit and 911 was on the road. When the ambulance arrived we did not know anything except that she had drunk vodka but we did not know if they had thrown anything else in the drink.

When we went to the hospital we were told that the girl had to be intubated and transferred to another more specialized hospital. The doctors told me that the girl was not even able to breathe on her own.

In such a state of 14 hours, my memories were coming back. I remember when she laughed for the first time when she took her first steps, on the first day of school, and her smile. I was wondering what I would say to her sibilings if she were not with us.

I do not know why her other friends left her in that car alone in that condition. Maybe they were scared when they saw it that way but that should not have happened. You do not get into trouble if you help someone. This should be known to all parents so that we can save a life.

PARENTS share this with your children so they see the dangers of underage drinking and what it can do !!! After 14 hours my beautiful daughter finally by the grace of God opened her big beautiful green eyes to see her mom and asked for her sister. Now she is also improving her breathing and removing toxins from her body caused by the drink.

Thank you all for reading my story and sending prayers to families who are in the same situation as me.

Think that this can happen to anyone and maybe the photos can be disturbing for some but they are only for PREVENT AND SAVE ANOTHER CHILD !!! SHARE OUR STORY !!!

Written by admin

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