Making the decision to give up on a person you love is one of the hardest things anyone can do.

Ryan Finley is the man who was held accountable because his wife Jill ended up in a coma.
Ryan found his wife unconscious and not breathing. He ran to her to revive her until the doctors arrived. He even performed CPR and prayed for a positive outcome although he knew the chances were slim.

The doctors brought Jill back to life but her heart was very weak. Unfortunately, she ended up in a coma.
Ryan prayed for her every day and never gave up hope. After a few weeks, the doctors told her that her chances of survival were almost 0.

He wrote about that day in his diary and his words are heartbreaking, to say the least.
“Today could be the worst day of my life. I essentially have to decide whether or not she will die or not,” Ryan wrote, according to TODAY. He tried to put himself in Jill’s place and believed she wouldn’t want to live her life like that so he made the call.

The whole family said their goodbyes and when the machines were shutting down Jill was still there.
At that moment, Jill started mumbling. To the disbelief of her husband, who was experiencing immense heartbreak, she told him to get her out of there and take her to Melting Pot or Ted’s – two of her favorite Mexican restaurants.
Ryan knew his girlfriend would make it. Then she underwent heart surgery and rehabilitation.
Speaking of the time she spent in a coma, Jill explained that she didn’t remember anything but had issues with her short-term memory and pronouncing certain words. Otherwise, she felt fine and was ready to grab this second chance God has given to her.
The couple is very grateful to God.