Nowadays, many people are ashamed to show the imperfections they have with their bodies. The external appearance is everything. We must learn to value people for what they are and not for what they look like.

Mahogany, a young woman from Tennessee, was diagnosed with lymphedema, a long-term (chronic) condition that causes swelling in the body’s tissues due to the accumulation of protein-rich fluid that’s usually drained through the body’s lymphatic system. Unfortunately, modern medicine still hasn’t found a cure for this condition.
In her case, the waters have gathered in her leg and made her gigantic. As a result, she was bullied by others and nicknamed her.

Over time, she realized that there will always be people who will judge her for her life. “It has been so hard to rise above these mean people, but I have no other choice,” Mahogany wrote.
Fortunately, she has the support of her family and people with lymphedema like her.
“It means I can try my best to inspire other people to accept themselves and see how beautiful they are,” mom Timika Geter said.

This young woman has been struggling to “feel pretty” her entire life.
“I used to think God had cursed me,” she said. “I felt ugly, like a freak of nature, and cried in private so many times. Then I decided that I was given this condition because I am emotionally strong and I can handle it.”
“Since then, I have been learning to accept and celebrate myself.”

“It does get frustrating dealing with flare-ups because I just want to live my life more freely, and it feels like I can’t,” she says.
Her biggest dream is to buy a house for herself and raise awareness about her condition.