
3 YO Accidentally Kills His Mother With Gun When They Were In The Car

The family had just gone shopping …

A three-year-old boy accidentally kills his mother by shooting her with a gun. According to reports, the family had just left the parking lot of a shop.

In the car were Dehah Bennet, 22, Romell Watson, 23, and their 3-year-old son. While the parents were in their seats, the boy took a loaded weapon and fired at his mother, leaving her dead on the spot.

The victim was initially taken to hospital but failed to survive. According to police, the mother sat the boy in his seat, put the purchases in the trunk, and sat in the passenger seat.

The weapon had been near the boy’s seat and the mother had not noticed. The father being at the wheel had not noticed anything.

At first, he did not understand where the gun was fired. It is not yet known if the boy was playing with the weapon or was shot when it fell from his hand.

According to the police “We do not have anything to indicate that the dad fired the weapon so the avenue we are pursuing is that the gun was his responsibility. He (The child) somehow got ahold of the gun and started playing with it playfully, pointed the gun, and fired the shot. “

After a few days, a specialist dealing with children made a discovery. Asking the child he told him that he had fired the weapon.

The weapon is his father’s. He charges with misdemeanor gun charges. Family members do not find consolation. The child will need psychological care throughout life.

The officer says “This could have been prevented. All it takes is a second: unlock it, thread it through the barrel, bring it back around, put it in and lock it back. If you leave it, secure it.

Do you think this would have been avoided? Should weapons be left in such places? Share your thoughts with us in the comments on Facebook 

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