There is talk all over the country of three teenagers stopping a basketball game to protect a fan with Down Syndrome.

For many teens, high school is difficult. This is because there are many others who bully and it seems that the school staff does nothing to stop this phenomenon and to protect the victims.
But in this school, the students came out in defense of their friend to tell others that they could not tolerate such a thing.

Miles Rodriguez, Chase Vasquez, and Scooter Terrien from the Lincoln Middle School, Wisconsin came out in defense of Desiree Andrews after their rivals started harassing the girl, They decided to stop the game.

After the boys spoke about the incident they replied “The kids in the audience were picking on D, so we all stepped forward.”
When the rest of the team saw what the boys were doing they left the game and asked for some rest.

“We were mad. We didn’t like that. We asked our sports director to talk to people and tell them not to make fun of her, ”14-year-old Miles recalled.
Desire is really a cute girl who decided to become a fan cheerleader the moment she saw one in her favorite show “Glee.”
Since the incident, the boys often go to class D to see if it is okay. The school is truly thankful for the boys who set such an example.
The school even named the gym ‘D’s House’, after sweet Desiree and that name stands for friendship.

Timonthy Nieman was very moved by this gesture and said “This is what standing up is, being a true team, not only a basketball team but a team of people that are going to support somebody.”