Legendary singer Bobby Brown has recently revealed some shocking episodes from his adolescence in his Biography Bobby Brown.
There the singer revealed that he was constantly harassed by a priest when he was just a child.

He said, When my mother was im’p’r’i’s’o’n’e’d, I was sent to momentary cust ody by social services which were presumed to be a spiritual place, It was not a good place to be as a child. One of the preachers attempted to m’o’l’e’s’t me.
Bobby continued saying He attempted to touch my p’e’r’so’na’l parts. There was no p’e’n’e’t’r’a’t’io’n or anything. He caressed my privates and I didn’t like that. I punched and kicked and punched some more until he got off from me, so I ran off from there as rapidly as possible. At that time, I was a young boy. I did not realize what s’e’x’u’a’l limitations were. I just knew I didn’t like being touched.
Some things are very difficult to forget. This situation made him have problems and trauma for years to come. His childhood had already been very difficult because he had seen his best pal jabbed to death at 12. His mother had also attacked the police.
Although in the documentary he has told about his intimate relationship with Madonna that he does not even remember how it happened.
What was it about Janet? Everything. Her little smile, body, her dance moves, her little laugh. Brown confesses that Janet was the one who called it quits.
What do you think about such clerics who take advantage of the position to harass children? Share with us your comments on Facebook.