
Can you spot this camouflaged animal?

Have you ever been surprised by a moving twig that turned out to be a peace-loving stick insect on an afternoon stroll? Or maybe you’ve marvelled over a pink petal-like critter perched in a praying position, that’s a flower mantis, disguising itself to hunt hummingbirds and other prey.

These creatures, and many others like them, play the ultimate game of hide-and-seek, blending in so well with their surroundings that they go unnoticed until they decide to be seen.

Sometimes impressive mimicry and deception is used to outwit prey, and other times, it’s for protection against predators, like in the case of some caterpillars.

Keep reading to learn about the cool tricks nature awarded some of its smallest creatures!

Masking its real identity from predators, the common baron caterpillar is one of the creatures that uses camouflage for protection, hoping to complete its lifelong quest to morph into to medium-sized brown, or green butterfly.

Take a look at the clip of the green mango leaf, is there anything peculiar that catches your eye? Keep watching.

Though it seems like a simple green leaf, the baron of all bugs is stretched across the middle vein, blending in almost perfectly with its environment.

This is the common baron caterpillar (Euthalia aconthea), a creature native to India and Southeast Asia.

Netizens were impressed with the crafty caterpillar’s ability to blend with its environment. “Nature’s perfect harmony! When caterpillar and leaf become a work of art in symmetry,” writes one and a second shares, “This is the best camouflage I’ve ever seen!”

Meanwhile, one user suggests its fern-like design is more creepy than cool. “Things like this are what my nightmares are made of. Very fascinating though.”

Common baron eggs, laid by nymphalid butterflies, look like spiky green balls found on the underside of a leaf, oftentimes leaves attached to mango trees–it’s favorite fruit.

As the larvae grows, branching spines emerge from its sides to help them crawl across leaves, a landing pad that serves as food and a spot to blend in, making them almost invisible to birds.

The feathery-like green caterpillars, that have a palate for mangos and cashew nuts, use camouflage as a survival strategy, making it far more likely to reach metamorphosis, in which they develop into a butterfly and have babies of their own.

In this time of development, which usually lasts several weeks, the fuzzy caterpillar mostly lives a solitary life, dodging hungry predators with its masterful skills disguise.

Next, entering the stage of chrysalis–a period where it seeks refuge in a bright green leaf-like pod–magic happens! Soon after it flies out as a less impressively camouflaged nymphalid butterfly, either brown or green depending on its gender.

The common baron isn’t the only brilliant critter that’s developed a safety strategy.

Nature is so magical and it gifted some of the tiniest creatures the ability to survive. Though some of these evolutionary traits can be deadly, others are just fun to watch, like the adorable spicebush swallowtail!

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