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    Can you spot this camouflaged animal?

    Have you ever been surprised by a moving twig that turned out to be a peace-loving stick insect on an afternoon stroll? Or maybe you’ve marvelled over a pink petal-like critter perched in a praying position, that’s a flower mantis, disguising itself to hunt hummingbirds and other prey. These creatures, and many others like them, […] More

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    Woman Thought She Saved a Kitten in The Wild

    A young girl named Rebecca has forged an incredible friendship with a seemingly domesticated kitten, only to later discover that her feline companion was no ordinary housecat but, in fact, a clouded leopard. Rebecca, a 16-year-old resident of a quaint village, found the young kitten in the woods while on her daily chores. Initially, she […] More

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    Sir David Attenborough, 96, is returning

    Sir David Attenborough is one of the most famous naturalists in history — over his decades-long broadcasting career, he helped introduce audiences to the wonders of the natural world through his iconic documentaries. At 96, he’s still going strong — and fans got some exciting news this week when it was announced that there is […] More

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    History is made

    It’s always great news at a zoo when a new baby animal is born, especially when they are part of an endangered species: each new birth is a step towards ensuring the survival from extinction. Now, one zoo is celebrating the birth of four gharial crocodiles, an extremely rare and critically endangered species. The Fort […] More

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    Eliminate Your Pet’s Fleas Using Dawn Dish Soap and Table Salt

    Fleas can be a pesky problem for pet owners, but you don’t necessarily need expensive treatments to get rid of them. Here’s a simple and cost-effective DIY flea treatment using Dawn dish soap and table salt: Ingredients: Dawn dish soap (blue variety)Table saltInstructions: Ingredients: Dawn dish soap (blue variety)Table saltInstructions: More

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    Bride’s Dying Dog Was Carried Down The Aisle

    Kelly O’Connell’s wedding day will forever be special in more ways than one. It’ll not only be remembered as the happiest day of her life marrying her best friend but also as the day she had to say goodbye to another, Charlie Bear the 15-year-old black Labrador, writes ilovemydogsomuch It was only right that he […] More

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    Fisherman Throws Life Jacket To Save Drowning Dog

    Vacationing man Renato Borella, a sports fisherman, was rowing his boat in the vast river in Mato Grosso, Brazil, with his tour guide, Neco. As the pair approached the wetlands, they saw a black tail swerving agitatedly in the river, writes ilovemydogsomuch They immediately assumed that a dog was stranded and drowning in the water, […] More

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    Only certain people can see the horse hidden in this picture – are you one of the special few?

    There is a good reason why optical illusions are so well-liked worldwide. Who doesn’t enjoy playing with perception, let’s face it? Who doesn’t enjoy being incredibly perplexed when they cannot perceive something that others can do with ease? We occasionally encounter puzzles that truly stump us, and part of the fun is sharing them with […] More

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    Man saves dog pushed out of the car

    It’s hard to understand how anyone could mistreat an innocent animal, especially their own pet. Pets are nothing but loyal and loving, and they deserve all the love in the world. Unfortunately, many people don’t see it that way. Some people just want to have a pet as long as it’s “cute” and “useful.” When […] More

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    The truth behind the epic photo of a frog swallowing a snake

    While this incredible photo of a frog swallowing a snake was making its rounds all over the internet, the story behind the photo was hidden for a long time. Thanks to National Geographic, we finally know the story that led to this fantastic image! Julie-Anne O’Neill was taking a walk in North Queensland, Australia before […] More

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