
Eddie Murphy Talks About What Is Like To Be Father Of 10 Children By 5 Different Women

Eddie Murphy has had relationships with many women in his life. From these women, he has created a very large family. He is the father of 10 children from 5 different women.

Since there are children from different women, they are of different age groups. The oldest child is 31 years old and the youngest is 2 years old.

A few years ago he decided to take pictures with all his children and the youngest newborn he had with Paige Butcher.

She had her first child with Paulett McNeely in the 80s. Her name is Eric she is now 31 years old. The second son Christina is 29 years old. Christian was born from his relationship with Tamara Hood. In 1993 he married Nicole Mitchell.

With Nicole has five children, Bria, 31, Myles, 27, Shayne, 25, Zola, 21, and Bella, 18. In 2006, Eddie and Nicole got divorced. After the divorce, he hooked up with Melanie brown. Eddie and Melanie have a 13-year-old daughter. With his fiancée, Paige Butcher has a daughter, Izzy 4, and a 2-year-old son Max.

Eddie has kept his private life. His daughter Bria is an actress and has a gallery in Los Angeles. Eddie says to her “I’m glad that people get to see how talented she is. We have known for years how talented she is. It’s exciting to see her stuff up on the walls… I’m having all of those proud parent feelings. ”

People think that having children with different women he does not have time to spend with everyone. But he spends time with everyone.

Eddie says “I want to stay the person that I am and spend as much time as I can with my family, and the people that I love because of my career, or what I am as an artist, that not at the center of my life. At the center of my life are my family and my kids. ”

And his relationship with his wives is very good. With all, he is a friend and maintains respect for each other.

Eddie once said “The last time I did stand-up, I had no kids, I had never been married and I was 27 years old. Now I’m 58. I have 10 kids. I’ve been married and divorced. So I have so much stuff to talk about. ” Eddie told Entertainment Tonight “My world revolves around my children- even the old, gray bald ones.” Eddie is a proud father, he says “I got lucky with my kids.

After all, everyone seems to be a good person and tries to do the best for their children.

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