Children often tell us the strangest things. Some of them are very funny and others look like they are from a horror movie.

Laura Mazza’s four-year-old Luca claimed to recall a miscarriage she had before giving birth, something they had never discussed before.
Laura posted this on Facebook and received many comments from other people. Laura wrote in her post:
“Before I was pregnant with Luca, I experienced significant bleeding.” After a positive pregnancy test, I recall experiencing painful cramps and a heavy period a few days later. I had no idea what it was, and now that I am older, I do. I was pretty much immediately pregnant with Luca.
After the failure, the only good thing was the possibility that she managed to get pregnant again. The mother claimed that she had a small inkling about the four-year-old given the circumstances of her pregnancy and Luca’s nature.
She went on: I knew Luca had already walked on this planet. Just by the way he seemed, I could tell he was a small old man. In addition to saying some really amusing things and singing along to old tunes that he would not have heard as a four-year-old, he has always been wise.
However, he said something in the bath tonight that really stunned me and reinforced my belief that he has a seasoned soul. “Mommy, do we reside in Australia?” he questioned. Yes, we do, I answered. Our home is in Australia. He responded, “I didn’t. I stayed inside of you. Yes, you did, but you now reside in Australia, I said. “Yes, mommy, I lived in your tummy,” he replied. I was there, but I later passed away.
This horrified Lauren and found her unprepared. There was no way that her three-year-old son knew about the abortion.
The boy also said, “No, mom, I came to your stomach and then I died,” he replied. I searched for you but was unable to locate you. I went to your house and I went everywhere, but when I called you you couldn’t hear me, so I was upset, but then I changed into an angel. I wanted to return to you because I missed you, so I pretended to be a baby inside your womb once more before giving birth. I was in Australia, not in heaven. I then returned to being your baby… And now that I can finally mature, I’m glad to be your baby once more.
Laura was filled with tears because she had never told her son about what had happened, much less had they ever discussed angels.
The commentators welcome Laura’s story with more love, telling her that a miracle had happened. Don’t you think so too? Share your comments with us on Facebook