Everywhere in the world nowadays it is noticed that people are looking for perfect beauty. But not everyone has this gift from God. Such is the case of the most famous 19-year-old girl who is also called African Barbie.

The girl named on Instagram as Dez The African Barbie is from Nigeria but lives in Atalanta, US. Her real name is Desiree Djaba. Her popularity increased when she posted a photo of herself in a Platinium bounce where she looked stunning.
She says that previously there was no look for a blonde girl in a girl with such black skin. However, it is not wrong for dark-skinned girls to become blonde.

The 19-year-old has become a network sensation because of her skin color. African Barbie is known mainly for not having complexes and for her strong character and perseverance.

The creator of the photoshoot says that the pieces of dresses initially wanted to try on it before any other model. When she wore them the color of her skin looked gorgeous.

They’ll be in every way called Barbie, yet it’s the breathtaking one-with meat on her thighs and a distending belly and behind-that denote the most surprising change to the most notorious body on the planet.
What about you? Do you think she is beautiful? Tell us your opinions in the comment down below on Facebook.