Whenever we have problems at home we get a company on the phone hoping to give us solutions. But techniques that take heart with their actions are hard to find.

An article has shown her case and the kindness of the technician. The photo made people have a smile on their faces.
Jessica Nash Donnahoo one day had problems with the internet. A technician named Robert came to fix it.

The family was not having a good day that day. Sailor the little boy who is blind had problems and did not show what he wanted.
The mother meanwhile had tried to understand but was not succeeding. In addition to doing some housework taking care of her daughter, cleaning, doing laundry, etc, all while her husband is at work.
As soon as Robert entered the room the little boy jumped to hug him. The technician had no problem at all and held her in his arms for 45 minutes staying at their home.

Mom was very tired. Robert could have held the baby for a while and then released it but did not.
It was a great help to the mother who had worked all day. We definitely agree that Robert deserves acknowledgment after this wonderful act, and it seems like the rest of the world agrees.
Is not this a beautiful story? Many times parents need a little help to make things easier. These aids come as a blessing in the most difficult moments.