Annie Mae Belin, a 102-year-old woman from Darlington, South Carolina, caught everyone’s attention with her statement. She said that dealing with your work and believing in God is everything possible.

“Trying to tend to my business. And leave other people’s business alone. Unless I have to get in it. Because I love to talk and I love people, ”says see is the reason why he lived 102 years.
This comment she made during her birthday celebrations went viral and people started talking a lot about her. While the old woman says that she has simply applied the lesson that her mother has given her since childhood.
“My mother always told us it takes six months to tend to your business. And six months to leave other people’s business alone. Then the year is gone, ”she added
Belief in God is also one of the keysof longevity. It’s better to read the bible than any gossip magazine. In fact, she has read the bible several times from beginning to end.
Belin even though in age he continues to enjoy life. She goes to the salon every week to her personal stylist and does facial treatments.
“I have wrinkles sometimes, but I have cream. I ordered that cream and I can put it on me. Like all of this and all of that. It takes it away, ”she said.
Belin says she is blessed because she has the support of her loved ones. She starts and ends the day with a prayer of thanksgiving to God.
“God is still blessing me. He still answers my prayer. ”