Animal shelters are not the ideal place for them to stay because they can quickly become stressful for them.

There is a lot of noise and dogs barking all the time. The food is only of one type and for puppies that have had a family, it is a bit difficult.

Carson, a pit bull found himself in a shelter because his adoptive family decided not to keep him anymore. He also had some skin problems due to allergies. The shelter environment was very stressful for him.

Carson was sitting in a corner and just shaking the whole time. A rescue group heard about his story and one of them, Lauren, decided to take him home. Lauren realized that all Carson needed was love.

Carson never left Lauren. She understood that the dog needed to feel safe. Their bond became so strong that Lauren decided to take him up for adoption.
One of the things he likes to do the most is to be petted and to run around the house with a stick in his mouth. To see him change from a trembling dog to what he is today is incredible.

His mom, Lauren, says that “his mission in life is to cuddle on the couch with me.” Sounds like Carson has his priorities set!
Every time we adopt an animal from a shelter it is a victory. So not only do we take puppies from other families and keep them, but let’s also visit the shelter because the love we will receive is limitless.
Have you adopted your pets or taken them to a relative? Share your comments with us on Facebook.