A designer from Florida had the opportunity to show some interesting designs. Shamekia Morris, 29, decided to get fake head-to-toe tattoos on her little boy.

People immediately started criticizing him because they accused Morris of growing a “thug” and a “gangster.” The mother started making temporary drawings on her son Treylin’s body when she was only six years old and has no plans to listen to criticism.
People told her that she was a bad mother because they thought she was leading her son astray. She talked about her obsession with tattoos but without much online criticism.

“I get a lot of backlashes. People say I’m raising my son as a ‘gangster,’ a ‘thug,’ they’re not used to seeing a baby with tattoos, ”she told Truly.
Neither does her family support her in her decision.

“When I first started tattooing Treylin, my family hated it because they don’t like that I have tattoos. My family was very upset, ”she shared. “But now that they see it could be something positive, they love it. “Cause, when we’re out, he gets a lot of attention, and kids really love tattoos.”
The mother actually had a passion for tattoos since she was pregnant and without giving birth to a son.

“When I was eight months [pregnant], I did a maternity shoot with my brothers at a tattoo shop,” she told the media outlet. “I got bullied on social media. All the comments were negative. People were saying my baby was going to be born with a whole bunch of tattoos. He’s going to have skin poison. It was crazy. ”
Morris thought he was happy to put on such tattoos and fans are not happy about it. Critics have told her that her infant son is going to “get shot down in the streets” and that she is “raising him for prison.”
Despite all the hatred she encounters online, she still pursues her passion for tattoos and does not intend to share tattoos on her son’s body.

For the people that judge me, I do not care because this is a lifestyle that we enjoy, ”she added. “If you’re judging someone off of a 30-second video on social media, that’s your business, but what you say or think about someone isn’t going to determine what they’re going to be in the future.”
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