A 30-year-old teacher, Katie Elizabeth Smith, has sexually abused a 14-year-old boy, after initially “bombarding” him for months, with nude messages and photos.

It is learned that the 14-year-old boy left the classroom at Hunter Valley School in New South Wales, Australia “to have a drink” when the teacher rushed towards the child, kissed him, and started touching him from the body.
Shortly after the incident, she told him not to say anything to anyone and warned her that she would get into “trouble” with the police if she did not do what she asked.
The boy who was not a Smith student returned to class after their meeting, but his nightmare was not over. After he had met again with the teacher in the parking lot and there they had sex.
Smith’s criminal activities with the juvenile started shortly after July 1, 2018, after they were spotted at school and the boy added the teacher to the social networking app, Snapchat. A week after exchanging greetings on the app, the messages became sexually explicit and quickly went out of control.
The boy sent Smith a photo of his genitals and she responded with a nude photo. They then exchanged many sexual images over five months. The conversations ended on December 22, 2019, when the boy went on vacation with his family and did not have internet access.

Smith was arrested and charged with unlawful sexual activity with a minor, indecent assault on a person under the age of 16, and intentional sexual intercourse while telling the court that the boy was the one who seduced him, trying to blame him. The 14-year-old.
The 30-year-old was sentenced to three years and ten months in prison after the charges against her, but in February the Court of Appeal in New South Wales reduced her sentence to 18 months and she is now free.
Do you think that her sentence should have been more severe?