A terrified rescue dog hides in the corner facing the wall until her soulmate comes along. The animal rescue knew they had their work cut out for them but were determined to make Chloe happy…

Chloe is a puppy abandoned in a shelter. In recent years, the number of abandoned animals is increasing significantly.
When she found herself abandoned in a place she did not know, she faced the wall. Chloe did not want anyone to approach her and look for her owner.

The shelter, Saving Baldwin Park Shelter Dogs, posted a photo of Chloe on their Instagram account to have a new owner. They wanted to see him happy.
That is when a woman named Shira, of Animal Rescue Mission, stepped in. She knew just the person for Chloe, a man named Darvish who offered to foster the poor animal.

One day, Darvish and Shira went to get him, but the puppy did not allow anyone to approach him.
They were both determined to get her and by offering her delicious food they got Chloe out of the shelter. Getting into the car was also a real challenge.

They didn’t force her but let her ride when she was ready. After some time, Chloe approached the vehicle and sat in the back seat. At one moment, she felt terrified again and was helplessly looking for a corner to place her head too.
Shira calmed him down and even stole a kiss from him. When they reach the house Chloe had difficulties also entering. The first days were difficult.

“We just let her roam around the house,” Darvish shared. “She found this corner in my bedroom and she just refused to come out of that corner. So I let her stay for the first day and that’s how we got started.”
As the days passed, Chloe realized that she was in a home that loved her and felt safe.
Once the adoption was finalized, Darvish gave Chloe a different name, Mira.
Mira is now happy in her new home.