A man born without thighs due to a rare disease managed to find the love of his life on social media.

Nathan Hrdlicka fell in love with Chelsee Stuart and they are still together. Nathan is 4ft 6in tall. When they met on social networks, they liked each other very much. Later when they met in person and Chelsee was only 19 years old and there were doubts.
However, they started dating. They look at differentiations only in people’s comments. Nathan is the 25th person in the world to be born with this problem with bilateral proximal femoral focal deformity (PFFD) type D – indicating his knee bones are directly beneath his hip bone. But he is also the only person who, despite this problem, can walk on his own.

He says: “I do not see myself as different.” When people come up to me, the first thing they see is my disability, ”he said. “My disability is something that does not define me.” It feels unique to be among the 25 people in the world with my situation. And I have been informed that I am the only one who has been able to walk.
Nathan even though he walks again has a lot of pain. When he comes out people look at him all the time and only a few of them approach to look at him and ask questions. “Some of the comments I get are people calling me a midget a lot, which is an uneducated thing,” he said. “They also pick at the height thing.”
One of the biggest difficulties their relationship has gone through is that Chelsee is a taller person and loves to travel and hike. Nathan can not accompany her so she finds other people to do this.
Chelsee for Nathan is a very supportive person. But people’s reactions when they go to the streets are different. “Some people are very curious and give us these looks like ‘What is going on just because of our height difference and then a lot of people are drawn to us.” “They eventually see the love that we have in the friendship that we have,” she added.

Since there is no cure for her man’s illness, he takes medicine to avoid pain. That’s the only thing that makes him feel better. In addition, he is not registered in any insurance to receive payment.
Nathan opened a GoFundMe to raise money to cover the $ 25,000 cost of medical bills. The couple has also opened a jewelry business and is considering opening a healing center.
Nathan said: “My hope for the future is that I get this condition a little bit more under control.” “I just really want to be able to help people. I want to be able to use my experiences and story to help people get through the hard times that they are having so that they can heal. ”