Three-year-old girl Brooklyn Andracke likes Wednesdays a lot because it is the day when her special hero appears, the garbage man.

Brooklyn waits impatiently every week for the garbage truck to stop near their home to collect the trash in Bloomington Illinois. But on a Wednesday her dream came true.
For a year the little girl waved to the garbage man named Delvar.

At first, she greeted him from the window of the house according to her mother Traci, but Brooklyn wanted to go out every week to greet her and in case they did not watch they’d drive until they found the neighbors.
Even though they did not know Delver nor the name he greeted and smiled at them. This normally made Brooklyn very happy.

Traci wrote on Facebook:
“I’m very happy when I see the happiness in my daughter’s eyes while the garbage man returns the greeting with a smile on his face.”
Brooklyn’s third birthday became memorable for her. In this special case, they decided to take a cupcake and give it to the garbage man.
Here is what happened next: “He pulled over, got out, and gave us his BIG smile. Brooklyn was instantly speechless as she handed him the cupcake. I explained to him that he makes our day every Thursday, and we really appreciate the honking and waving, and how special of a day it is for us. ”

This moment was very beautiful for Brooklyn who met her hero. The man was enjoying it too.
Mother said “He said that he has a meeting every Thursday morning and always tries to get out of there in a hurry so that he can make sure to see us every week. He said he doesn’t have any kids of his own, but he mentors several children and just loves them. ”
The mother was very touched by the kindness of the garbage man and decided to share the video and it went viral.
That’s what she posted “THANK YOU !!! Thank you for the joy that you bring to Brooklyn every Thursday morning, for making her birthday special, and for making my heart happy. It may be a little thing that you do, but it means so much to us! ”