The first time you read Will Smith’s name, the name Jada Pinkett Smith comes to mind. The actor has been married to her for more than 20 years.

Jada is Will’s, second wife. He has been married to Shere Zampino for a short time. The couple stayed together from 1992-to 1995 and remain friends.
Will and Jada seem to have a good relationship with Sheree because they send her congratulations on birthdays and their social media profiles.

The moment Will Smith made a post to Shere on Instagram wishing him a happy birthday, it was Chris Rock who wrote in a comment “Wow you have a very understanding wife”
There are still vague and difficult things in their history to understand. So we need to go back in time to their complex relationship.
The worlds of Will Smith, Jada Pinket, and Sheree Zmpino have always been intertwined. Will was first introduced to Sheree with his infatuation with Jada. They met on a set.

From that moment they bonded and became the parents of their first child Trey. She became pregnant the same year the couple got married.
In a conversation for Red Table Talk Will confesses that with Jada he is in a completely different thing. Will had his eye on Jada even though he was married to Sheree Zampino.
The two began dating each other even though Smith was still married. For this Jada feels sorry and does not admit it publicly.
When Sheree found out she decided to do what Will had not dared. Complete the divorce papers by telling him he is no longer loved.
In a Facebook post, she wrote “Our marriage ended because we were so young. … It’s just a lot of responsibility. Marriage is not easy. Especially at that age.” They were both in their early 20s when they got married.
Years later, it was rumored that Zampino had been paid to make such a statement that she and Will, and Jada had been caught red-handed. In addition, another hypothesis was that she caught Will in an intimate relationship with a man.
She categorically denied these things, saying “Will was straight in 1992 and he’s straight in 2016.” As far as why the marriage ended? “I left because I was unhappy; it’s that simple.”
Today Will goes on trips with Sheree Zampino and their son without Jada. It is important for them that their son sees a good parental relationship.
For most marriages, divorce is the end – but it looks like divorce was the very beginning in a life of highs and lows for Will Smith and Sheree Zampino. We’re all watching to see how all this goes