Bhalo, a homeless puppy, has faced many hardships throughout his life. Despite everything, he managed to survive for years between the four roads.
But over the years, things became difficult and he could not provide food.

One day another dog stronger than him attacked him and took off a part of his scalp. Bhalo fell to the ground from the pain and did not impress the people who passed by.

Finally, someone called the animal rescue “Animal Aid Unlimited” for help.
When they came due to his wound, his ear had turned necrotic while his vitals were failing too. The vets had to remove an ear for him to survive.

The dog fought for his life for 5 weeks until he succeeded. It is hard not to be moved by this story. Now Bhalo will live in a rehabilitation center with his friends who share the same fate as him.
For more, watch the video below: