Mothers can do everything for their children. In all kinds of circumstances. No one can stop them when it comes to their children.

Officers Reneeshia McIntyre and Delia Pesina answered a phone call and went to the right place. A little two-year-old girl caught their attention. They approached to greet her. She took them to his mother.
The police realized that the family was in urgent need of help after talking to their mother. The mother had just left an abusive relationship. Now she cared alone for 6 children. All of them were younger than 11 years old.
“That 2-year old invited us over and mom started talking to us and one thing led to another… I asked mom how long they had been living there and she stated ‘a few months’ my first instinct was they had just moved in because there was nothing in the apartment. ”
The house where they lived was in very bad condition. Officer Reneeshia McIntyre says that as soon as she saw them she thought of helping them immediately.
“We kind of read each other’s minds. You’re partners after so long and when we were leaving I immediately said to her ‘o we’re coming back, aren’t we? We were going to take care of it ’.”
The officers went to the office but would return. They raised money from office colleagues to provide family beds, cribs, mattresses, sheets, pillows, furniture, and organizers.
Without hesitation, colleagues gave their help. The mother, unable to personally thank everyone, received a phone call. “I can not see everybody, but I thank you so much. I love y’all so much from the bottom of my heart, ”
When they told the children where they would sleep they were very excited. The money went to furniture and to buy different foods.
One of the officers says that she was very touched because she had passed the same situation as a child.
What would have happened to this family if the officers had not happened to be there? They would have stayed in those conditions all these days. “I can not see everybody, but I thank you so much. I love y’all so much from the bottom of my heart
How many suffering mothers are in such a state. What we need to do with each other is listen to the stories and help others as much as we can.